Title and identity design for Channel 4 / Hulu television series.
The Bisexual is a comedy drama series directed and co-written by Desiree Akhavan.
The show follows Leila (Akhavan), recently split from her long-term girlfriend Sadie (Maxine Peake), and takes a painfully humorous look at the difference in dating men and women from the perspective of a person who finds herself doing both. It’s an unexpected look at bisexuality and what it means to compromise - or not - when desire is involved.
The identity moves away from stereotypical ‘bi’ symbology and colour signifiers, and instead uses a flexible system of typographical lockups. Splitting the letters so that the title becomes disjointed and a little nonsensical, the word is obscured and somewhat abstracted - questioning the nature of ‘labels’ and unconscious bias. This was paired with emotive and tactile imagery evoking the highly personal, intimate nature of romantic relationships.
Title and identity design for broadcast and promotional collateral